Answers to the most common questions.

Is there a free trial?

Yes. Every account starts with the Free pricing tier. You have 250 pages to test and play around with the platform.

For how long I can use the free trial?

Until your reach 250 page tests. There is no time limit. The real value of UI testing comes with consistency.

Do you need my credit card information on registration?

No. When you update your plan to a higher tier a Stripe payment link will handle that.

How do I use Buglab?

After you create your account the platform will autofill your website. If you want to test a different website, just paste the link in the "Website" field. Hit the "Run" button and you are done with the basics. Buglab will crawl your website and take a screenshot of every page.

Can I run more complex tests with Buglab?

Yes! You can fill forms, hover on elements, click buttons, you name it. Check the User manual for a quick overview. Even better, let's jump on a call. We'll be happy to give you a tour and help you set up some relevant tests.

What can I test with Buglab?

Your website, platform, and most publicly available URLs. We've seen some interesting cases, so get creative.

Can I test native mobile apps (Android, iOS, etc.) with Buglab?

No. Native mobile app testing is not currently supported. You can test web applications in mobile screen sizes and browsers.

What technical skills do I need to use Buglab?

Little to none. Being familiar with HTML/CSS will be helpful for more complex scenarios. We are always available to help with the heavy lifting too.

Do you have Jira and Slack integrations?

Not yet. Working on it.